Team ALA Legal Archive
Find out the detailed explanation of the provisions relating to the Place of Supply under the dual GST Law from the following link. Please give it a read and we would love to know your feedback!
Find out the detailed explanation of the provisions relating to Input Tax Credit under the dual GST Law from the following link . Give it a read and we would love to know your feedback!
Find out the detailed explanation of the provisions related to valuation under the dual GST Law from the following link . Give it a read and we would love to know your feedback!
Find out the detailed explanation of the provisions related to registration under the dual GST Law for the efficient tax administration from the following link to a presentation. Give it a read and we would love to know your feedback!
Find out the detailed explanation of the process of assessment under the dual GST Law for the efficient tax administration from the following link to a presentation. Give it a read and we would love to know your feedback!
1.1 It is imperative for any law to provide for the “person” who is liable for payment of tax. The person so identified is liable for payment of tax under the GST Act. Taxable person 1.2 Section 7(2) prescribes that GST shall be paid by every Taxable Person in accordance with the provisions of the Act. …
Goods and Services Tax, “GST” as it is popularly called, is seen as the biggest reform in Indian Indirect Tax system. GST would be a new type of tax where the Union Parliament and the States would simultaneously levy tax on every “transaction of Goods and Services” (technically called “Supply” which shall include all forms of …
Importance and nature of charging section: 1.1 Article 265 of the Constitution of India mandates that no tax shall be levied or collected except by the authority of law. Charging section is a must in any taxing statute for the purpose of levy and collection of tax. Before taxing any person, it must be shown …
1.1 Composition levy is a scheme introduced by the Government for registered taxable persons. The benefit of the composition scheme will only be available to those taxable persons who are registered under GST and their aggregate turnover is less than 50 Lakh in one financial year. It is also to be noted that the provision …