Customs Archive
M/S Canon India Private Limited versus Commissioner of Customs Forum- Supreme Court of India Date-9th March 2021 Case No.- Civil Appeal No. 1827 of 2018 In a landmark judgment delivered on 09.03.2021, the Hon’ble Supreme Court examined the finer aspects of the Customs Act, and held that where initial decision has been taken by a …
Hon’ble F.M. Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman unveiled the budget 2021-22 and also issued Finance Bill covering various tax proposals. Overall, our view is that it is a balanced and a progressive budget presented by the government which will go a long way in the overall development especially the physical and the health infrastructure of our country. …
Team ALA Legal
April 10, 2018
Social Welfare Surcharge has been introduced for the first time under the Finance Act, 2018. It is an additional charge on import of goods being levied under clause 108 of the Finance Bill (Act), 2018 to fulfil the commitment of the Government of India to provide and finance the education, health and social security. The Social …
Team ALA Legal
November 6, 2017
Implementation of electronic sealing for containers by exporters under self-sealing procedure has been prescribed by circular 26/2017-Cus dated 1.01.2017, 36/2017-Cus, dated 28.08.2017 and 37/2017-Cus dated 20.09.2017. The revised procedure of the CBEC vide Circular No. 41/2017-Customs dated 30 October 2017 has been notified and the said procedure is to be finally implemented from 8th November 2017. Some …