Resolution of Disputes Arising Out of International Trade – Facilitated by DGFT

RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES ARISING OUT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE TO BE FACILITATED BY DGFT: ONLINE METHODOLOGY INTRODUCED EFFECTIVE FROM 11.02.2019 INTRODUCTION Maintaining an enduring relationship with foreign buyers and suppliers is of utmost importance to create confidence in the business environment of India. So, whenever any disputes related to International trade arise, it is in the …

Reduced GST Rates for Real Estate – GST Council Decision

In the 33rd GST Council Meeting, the Council approved the following tax rates on residential housing properties. 1. GST Rate i. 5% without ITC on Non-Affordable residential housing properties; ii. 1% without ITC on Affordable residential housing properties. 2. Effective Date The new rates shall become applicable from 1 of April, 2019. 3. Definition of affordable housing i. In non-metropolitan cities/towns: A …

Denial of cross examination is in violation of principles of natural justice – Calcutta High Court

The petitioner in the case of Sampad Narayan Mukherjee v. Union of India & Ors., W.P. No.25447 (W) of 2018 challenged an order-in-original confirming allegations raised in a show cause notice. The petitioner had replied to the said show cause notice and had also requested for cross-examination of witnesses whose statements were relied upon in the show cause …