Team ALA Legal Archive
Orders of Hon’ble High Court of Delhi in Anil Goel v. Union of India, W.P. (C) No. 5177 of 2021 Order of Hon’ble Delhi High Court dated 06.05.2021 Order of Hon’ble Delhi High Court dated 13.05.2021 Order of Hon’ble Delhi High Court dated 24.05.2021 Order of Hon’ble Delhi High Court dated 25.05.2021 Order of Hon’ble …
Dear All, We are pleased to share with you the link of recording on Day-1, i.e. on 30.04.2021 of the 12 Hr CPE Workshop on Development of GST Litigations Skills organized by Guwahati Branch of EIRC of ICAI. Key note address of the Workshop was delivered by Hon’ble Mr. Justice Akil Kureshi, Chief Justice Tripura …
The Western Maharashtra Tax Practitioner’s Association is organizing a mega conference on GST Litigation- A must course for every professional Date: Saturday 15th May 2021, Sunday 16th May, 2021, Saturday 22nd May 2021 and Sunday 23rd May 2021 There will be total 13 sessions covering all aspects of GST Litigation Expert faculties practicing in Supreme …
Dear All You are invited to join a webinar by SEWA BHARTI in association with BVSS 📅 Date: 07th May, 2021 Friday ⏰ Time: 03:30 to 04:30 p.m. Please use following link to join webinar Session will be broadcasted live on YouTube Channel Webinar Topics: Importance of Yoga and Spiritualism in the present …
Dear All, Recently, the Government has issued various notifications to bring certain amendments in GST Law effective from 01.01.2021 onwards. Gist of such latest and significant amendments are briefed in “GST updates” attached with this blog which covers the following amendments: Due dates notified for filing Monthly GSTR-3B under section 39(1) Due dates notified for filing …
Post the verdict of the Hon’ble Delhi High Court in the case of Brand Equity v. Union of India, retrospective effect to the amendment in Section 140 of the CGST Act was enforced. In view of the said amendment, apprehensions were raised by the industry as to whether the judgement in Brand Equity still holds good. …
We are of the view that Sale of Developed Land is not leviable to GST. However, we always suggest an alternative tax efficient model for such transactions to keep it free from unnecessary litigation. Sale of Land – under GST Law Sale of Land is neither Supply of Goods nor Supply of Service as per …
As you are aware that a new tax regime has been introduced w.e.f. 01.04.2019 for Residential Real Estate projects on which tax is payable @5% or 1% subject to various conditions attached to it. In this regard, the Promoter Developer who is paying tax under new tax regime is required to do following compliances on …
The issue pertaining to Director Remuneration has been examined by the CBIC and they have clarified the position vide Circular No: 140/10/2020 – GST dated 10.06.2020 in line with our opinion. The Circular is attached here for your ease of reference. Directors who are not employees of the Company e.g. Independent Directors Remuneration paid to …
Recently GST Council has recommended few reliefs for small tax payers, waived/ reduced the penalty for non-filers of GSTR-3B, extend the benefit to apply revocation of cancellation of registration and also recommended to bring into effect certain proposed amendments of CGST & IGST Act w.e.f. 30.06.2020. We shall further update you once these changes will …