Team ALA Legal Archive
The CBIC had earlier issued a Circular No. 37/11/2018-GST F.No.349/47/2017- GST Dated 15th March, 2018 in pursuant to representations received from the traders regarding the issue being faced by them in claiming refund of exports in cases where refund period has been spread across different months and different financial years. Therefore, considering the issues of …
In the matter of BTC Industries Ltd. v. Commissioner, VAT in W.P.(C) 11876/2018, the Hon’ble Delhi High Court has quashed the impugned notification issued by Commissioner VAT declaring C Forms as obsolete and invalid, vide its order dated 24.10.2019. The Hon’ble Court relied on its earlier decision in Maa Jagdamba Traders v. Commissioner VAT W.P.(C) …
Liability to pay tax under RCM on renting of motor vehicle by Body Corporates being recipient has been inserted w.e.f. 01.10.2019 in Serial no. 15 of N. No. 13.2017-Central Tax (R) dated 28.06.2017. The said entry has been amended by N. No. 29/2019-Central Tax (R) dated 31.12.2019 as : Sl.No. Category of Supply of Services …
The Ministry of Finance has issued the following notifications, orders and circulars dated 30.12.2019, 31.12.2019 and 01.01.2020 to amend or notify the amended provisions of the GST Law. I. Key Changes A. Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) on renting of motor vehicles. 1. Liability to pay tax under RCM on renting of motor vehicle by Body …
In a recent ruling dated 10.12.2019, Hon’ble CESTAT, Allahabad has held that service tax paid on Workmen compensation insurance premium is admissible as Cenvat credit for the Assessee. The Tribunal observed that the expenditure was incurred for running the business, the service has to be held to be an input service Issue in brief: The …
Online Tax portal, Tax Guru recently published an article on the topic “Doctrine of Partial Merger again upheld by Hon’ble Haryana Tax Tribunal” wherein Adv. Puneet Agrawal, Partner, ALA Legal’s and Adv. Gaurav Gupta, Associate, ALA Legal, expressed their views on the recent final order passed by Hon’ble Haryana Tax Tribunal in the case of …
Click here for copy of the presentation- Recent Judgements and it impact/benefit for Industry
The Hon’ble Delhi High Court, has in the case of GeetanjaliYog LLP v. Union of India in W.P. (C) 13531/2019 issued notice and granted interim relief to the Petitioner on their plea that the power of initiating Audit proceedings for verification of documents and records are not provided for in the Finance Act. The grievance …
The Hon’ble Allahabad High Court in Sales/Trade Tax Revision No. – 22 of 2011 and 23 of 2011, matter between Skoll Breweries Limited v. Commissioner of Commercial Tax, UP, has quashed the Order of the Commercial Tax Tribunal, Meerut, for passing the order beyond its jurisdiction for: “Treating Spent Malt as unclassified goods subjecting them …
Within three years of its inception, the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (hereinafter referred to as “Code”), has proven to become one of the most successful economic reforms in the Country with regard to resolution of stressed assets. The enactment of the Code has led to a greater stability in financial systems, being fundamental to …