Team ALA Legal Archive

Exemption on Legal Services provided to Government, Government Entity, etc. w.e.f. 25.01.2018

1. Vide entry no. 45 of Notification no. 12/2017-CT(R) dated 28.06.2017 as amended w.e.f. 25.01.2018 following services are exempted from the levy of GST. Legal Services provided by:- (a) An arbitral tribunal (b) A partnership firm of Advocates or an individual as an Advocate (c) Senior Advocate to Central Government, State Government, Union Territory, Local …

Swiss Ribbons Pvt. Ltd. & ANR. V. Union of India & ORS. Comprehending The Underpinnings of The Insolvency And Bankruptcy Code, 2016

“The defaulter’s paradise is lost. In its place, the economy’s rightful position has been regained”, this is how the Supreme Court summed up the judgment upholding the constitutional validity of various provisions of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (herein referred to as “Code”). The Code paves way for a consolidated and un-bifurcated exhaustive law …

Resolution of Disputes Arising Out of International Trade – Facilitated by DGFT

RESOLUTION OF DISPUTES ARISING OUT OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE TO BE FACILITATED BY DGFT: ONLINE METHODOLOGY INTRODUCED EFFECTIVE FROM 11.02.2019 INTRODUCTION Maintaining an enduring relationship with foreign buyers and suppliers is of utmost importance to create confidence in the business environment of India. So, whenever any disputes related to International trade arise, it is in the …