Team ALA Legal Archive
As we are well aware that constitutional validity of Entry Tax laws of several states was in challenge before the 9 Judges Constitution Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court led by the Hon’ble Chief Justice of India. The issue has been dealt with and the constitutional validity has been upheld. Despite the law laid down …
Hello Readers! Greetings from GST Law India Team! Today we have got the 10 point summary of existing taxpayers-migration to GST Portal under GST. Give it a read and we would be pleased to have your feedback! Happy reading! Read the points below or find the link to the file. With effect from 08th November, 2016, …
Hello Readers! Greetings from GST Law India Team! The GST structure as it stands today shall only result in higher property costs for the home buyers. Non-exclusion of land value from GST net, non-availability of ITC to developers and irrational Valuation Mechanism shall lead to such an anomaly. The Model GST law which has been …
Hello Readers! Greetings from GST Law India Team! Today we have got the 10 point summary of Assessment under GST. Give it a read and we would be pleased to have your feedback! Happy reading! Read the points below or find the link to the file by clicking on the picture: In any tax legislation, …
Hello Readers! Greetings from GST Law India Team! Today we have an article on the landmark entry tax matter which was heard by the 9 Judges Constitution Bench of the Hon’ble Supreme Court during the phase when the Parliament was all set to and subsequently passed the 122nd Constitutional Amendment Bill relating to GST (subsuming entry …
Hello Readers! Greetings from GST Law India Team! Today we have got the 10 point summary of Valuation under GST. Give it a read and we would be pleased to have your feedback! Happy reading! Read the points below or find the link to the file In the Model GST Law, ordinarily thevalue for payment …
Hello Readers! Greetings from GST Law India Team! The CBEC has issued Draft Rules and Formats with respect to invoices, payments and registration. Sharing the key takeaways with respect to Invoicing Mechanism under GST. Click on the following link, Give it a read and we would be pleased to have your feedback! Happy reading!
Hello Readers! Greetings from GST Law India Team! Today we have got the 10 point summary of Tax invoice under GST. Give it a read and we would be pleased to have your feedback! Happy reading! Read the points below or find the link to the file by clicking on the picture: Registered taxable personsupplying …
Hello Readers! Greetings from GST Law India Team! Today we have got the 10 point summary of Manner of Taking Input tax Credit under GST. Give it a read and we would be pleased to have your feedback! Happy reading! Read the points below or find the link to the file by clicking on the …
Hello Readers! Greetings from GST Law India Team! Today we have got the 10 point summary of Input tax Credit under GST. Give it a read and we would be pleased to have your feedback! Happy reading! Read the points below or find the link to the file by clicking on the picture: One of …